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Marion Rauter

Marion Rauter is a narrative virtuoso of photorealism. Only with a brush and a few oil paints does she produce in her reproduced reality the drama of a play. The subjective reality she creates in her portraits is, though two-dimensional, a narrative. Since the portrayed personalities in their representation gain a sensual meta-level (compared to the original photography), their paintings lead far beyond the mere illustration.The facial features of her portraits captivate the viewer. Their biogra . . .

Goran Cpajak

Goran Cpajak was born in 1963. in Prijepolje, Serbia. He shapes stones and metals in line with natural harmony. He forms the stone in specific themes, human fears, impressions, questions, mistakes and aspiration. He considers stone as a material with many emotions. It is a mental fight and Cpajak shows his strength by bending the stone. He has been awarded international prizes and is considered as one of the most significant sculptors of our time. His work is part of collections worldwide a . . .

Svjetlana Dosen

Born in Bosnia in 1978, she studied painting at the Novi Sad University of Art in Serbia and worked for several years in Göttingen, Germany and in Aalborg, Denmark, where she lives today.In her paintings, Svjetlana manages to transform everyday reality into magical representations. Her knowledge and cosmopolitanism coupled with her technical skills transform the cold reality into a universe of lively beings. She masters the play of colours and forms like a magician.At the centre of her work is t . . .

Sandro Porcu

Born in Caltanissetta, Italy in 1966, he grew up in Germany. He was influenced by life in Karlsruhe, the study and the New Leipzig School in Leipzig, teaching activities and projects in Upper Lusatia and the nature and culture of Sicily. As a freelance artist, he has been represented on the art market since the 90s and has completed numerous exhibitions in Germany, Switzerland, Great Britain, Austria, Hungary, Poland and Korea. Sandro Porcu received various art prizes in Switzerland (Christoph M . . .

Alex Vorti

Alex Vorti, born 1991 in Majdanpek, Serbia, graduated in sculpture from the University of Applied Sciences in Belgrade. In addition to his artistic work, he teaches art and the English language. Experts on visual arts have commended him in the same breath with outstanding pioneers of Tachism such as Arnulf Rainer and Hans Staudacher. There are good reasons to compare world-famous artists of that genre with Alex Vorti who brought a breath of fresh air into the world of abstract painting and great . . .

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